Meet Amalvy Perez, a graduate of the Class A Vehicle Driver certificate program from Pima Community College, Tucson, Arizona.
Originally from the Dominican Republic, Amalvy Perez grew up in Santiago and immigrated to the United States when he was 14. Perez graduated from high school in Miami, Florida. Perez says he is an autodidact, a self-taught person. “I don’t know how everything would work out, but at the end, everything fell into place.”
Perez is proud to be a recipient of the Class A Vehicle Driver certificate. He enjoyed the program and shares that he would do the program again if he could. “They did not just teach me how to drive,” he explains “but also gave valuable advice for life. The program is uniquely designed and shaped.” Perez aspires to drive for a transportation firm, but more importantly to always drive safely, whether on the clock or not, and to help anyone in need.
Perez faced many difficulties early in his life – both financially and socially. But he never lost faith and believed that whatever goes around, comes around. Networking with successful people and engaging in business brought him a healthy family and he is now enjoying the little things in life. Perez suggests incoming students work with a positive mindset and pay attention to the faculty.
Perez is very much interested in business. Being a freight broker, he says that his uncle showed the pathway to transportation in the United States and is his role model in business. He intends to contribute to the transportation community with his services of Brokering, Dispatching, and bringing trucks and trailers to the planning field. In the future, Perez’s hope is to not only develop a rewarding career but to pay it forward and meet his goal of providing 5 to 10 families a decent living through his efforts.
About the Author:
Dr. Nikitha Kolapalli is a health economist/clinical pharmacist pursuing her master's in Healthcare Decision Analysis from the USC School of Pharmacy. She works as a staff writer and editor for the METRANS student team. She is deeply passionate about maximizing accessible, equitable, and affordable healthcare.