Sunday, February 23, 2020
Lilly Nie is an Urban Planning and Spatial Sciences student at USC with an interest in active-transportation planning, community advocacy, and spatial sciences.
Nie's interest in transportation planning began while interning at Public Matters. There she co-taught workshops on multi-modal types of transportation to a class of juniors at Esteban E. Torres High School and helped them to design multi-modal tours emphasizing East Los Angeles' cultural heritage, which then were carried ...
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
On November 13, METRANS and PSR hosted four coauthors of a new report, commissioned by LA Metro, called Understanding How Women Travel to a standing room only audience at the USC Main Campus as part of the Fall 2019 Speaker Series. Participating in the discussion were Dr. Evelyn Blumenberg, Professor of Urban Planning, Director of the Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies, UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs, Department of Urban Planning; Judith McCourt, President, Redhill Group; Claudia Galicia, ...
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Students and faculty from the University of Southern California (USC) and Long Beach State University (LBSU), along with staff and transportation professionals, were treated to a guided, educational tour of the Los Angeles Harbor on Friday, November 9, 2019. Sponsored by METRANS and part of the Port of Los Angeles’s School Boat Tour, the excursion allows participants an up-close and personal port experience, and the ability to see firsthand the workings and local impacts of global trade.