Project Summary
Project number: PSR-22-17
Funding source: U.S Department of Transportation
Contract number: 69A3551747109
Total cost: $99,852.00
Performance period: 8/15/2022 - 8/14/2023
Project description
In California, the transportation sector accounted for about 50% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions when accounting for fuel production, and transportation network companies (TNCs) emerge as a growing source of vehicle-miles-traveled (VMT) and GHG emissions. As directed by Senate Bill (SB) 1014, the California Air Resources Board (ARB) developed the Clean Miles Standard Program reduce to GHG emissions from TNC vehicles and increase the use of zero-emission vehicles (ZEV). This project aims to evaluate the potential mobility and environment impact on TNCs and the entire transportation system with the implementation of Clean Miles Standard, using an effective agent-based simulation model that accommodates potential shared, electric, connected and automated applications. To fulfill this goal, we developed California-specific traffic scenarios in baseline year and target year from 2023 to 2030 based on the implementation status of Clean Miles Standard, and a variety of other unique factors in California. Then an agent-based simulation platform is developed to address the unique features of new mobility technologies, such as ridesharing, electrification, and automation. This platform is applied to evaluate the statewide impacts of Clean Miles Standard and other regulations on VMT, traffic efficiency, GHG and criteria pollutant emissions from the system-wide perspective.
Peng HaoAssistant Research Engineer, Center for Environmental Research and Technology
1084 Columbia Ave.
Riverside, California 92507
United States
[email protected]