Project Summary
Project number: PSR-20-20
Funding source: US DOT
Contract number: 69A3551747109
Funding amount: $95,958
Performance period: 08/16/20 to 08/15/21
Link to project data:
Project description
Heavy-duty diesel trucks (HDDTs) are significant contributors of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions. As a result, communities with a large amount of truck traffic often experience elevated levels of diesel-related air pollution. One strategy for mitigating the air pollution impacts of truck traffic, called low exposure routing (LER), is to route HDDTs in a way that reduces the exposure of community members to air pollutant emissions from these trucks. In this research, we develop a novel framework that utilizes an activity-based transportation simulation model for the city of Riverside, California, to quantify the impacts of LER under different technology adoption rates. The results show that if the LER strategy is to become a standard routing strategy for all the HDDTs (i.e., 100% adoption rate), the amount of PM2.5 and NOx emissions from the trucks that would be inhaled by the residents could be reduced by 11% and 17%, respectively. In addition, these public health benefits could be gained without imposing significant costs to the truck operators and the climate as the increases in the overall travel time and fuel consumption (and equivalently, carbon dioxide emission) for the trucks are only 1%.
Kanok BoriboonsomsinAssociate Research Engineer, Bourns College of Engineering - Center for Environmental Research & Technology
1084 Columbia Avenue
Riverside, CA 92507
United States
[email protected]