


Spring 2021 Career Series: Team Excellence and Overcoming Obstacles - A Leader's Perspective

Thursday, April 15, 2021


Spring 2021 Career Series: Team Excellence and Overcoming Obstacles - A Leader's Perspective

Location: Online Webinar

Team Excellence and Overcoming Obstacles -

A Leader's Perspective

Thurs, April 15, 2021  4 PM (Pacific)


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Click here to access the Presentation Slides


Join us for an opportunity to learn about team leadership from METRANS Student Chief of Staff, Lt. Colonel Sean Fazande. Drawing on decades of military experience as well as his doctoral education, he will share best practices for building and sustaining effective teams, how to avoid and address common team dysfunctions and numerous leadership challenges.


Lt. Col. Sean Fazande is an active duty Air Force Officer, METRANS Chief of staff, and a doctoral student in Organizational Change and Leadership at USC. He holds a BA in Business Administration from Northwood University, an MAin Public Administration from American Military University, and an MS in Joint Warfare and Leadership from Air Command and Staff College. His interests include meta-leadership and leading beyond implied authority.

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