Project number: MF-3.2d
Funding source: Volvo Research and Educational Foundations
Performance period: 1/1/2014 to 7/1/2015
Project description
Parking during operations of deliveries and pick-ups of goods is highly problematic, especially in dense urban centers. Lack of space and competition from other users of the road network result in a scarcity of available parking places, and therefore, loss of time for delivery drivers, who then tend to park illegally. To cope with the situation, one possibility for policymakers is to set aside areas specifically designated as parking spaces for delivery vehicles, such as the Paris Municipality's delivery areas policy in France. The aim of this paper is, first, to measure the supply of parking areas for delivery vehicles in Paris. Second, we will estimate demand in terms of operations of deliveries and pick-ups of goods in the city of Paris, based on a
generation model of freight flows, using data from the new Paris Urban Freight Survey, carried out from 2010 to 2012 by the Laboratory of Transport Economics in the region of Paris (Ile-deFrance). Finally, we will compare supply and demand, taking into account spatial and temporal distribution and we will analyze the supply-demand balance, according to the characteristics of delivery vehicle parking, based on the results of the Paris Urban Freight Survey (UFS).