Project number: MF-5.1d
Funding source: Volvo Research and Educational Foundations
Performance period: 1/1/2017 - 12/31/2017
Project description
Phase 1: Problem scoping and evaluation of data collection methods: a. A comprehensive review of existing literature on the transportation activity associated with home-based deliveries will be conducted. This review will focus on two separate but related areas of research: personal shopping behavior and urban freight logistics. b. A scoping study to understand the range of delivery types and logistics services currently available in New York City for direct-to-home deliveries and ecommerce will be conducted. c. An assessment of results from (a) and (b) will be completed to identify and prioritize variables of interest for characterizing residential freight delivery activity and stakeholders. d. A comprehensive evaluation of potential data collection methods to measure the variables identified in (c) will be conducted. Methods under evaluation include but are not limited to: building delivery records (software and manual log sheets); building observation (manual and video); receiver diary or survey; doorman survey; urban freight station survey; carrier tracking; and qualitative industry survey/site visits.
Phase 2: Field data collection and analysis: One or more field data collection methods identified in Task 1-d will be implemented to study relevant aspects of residential freight activity. Variables examined may include but are not limited to: the demand for freight generated by residential buildings, including temporal distribution of deliveries; commodities moved and related shipper types; last-mile carriers and their service types; receiver characteristics; vehicles and vehicle technologies utilized; and parking and loading/unloading activity.
Phase 3: Policy Evaluation: Existing urban policies (e.g. zoning, curb regulations) and alternative strategies to accommodate residential freight demand and manage externalities will be evaluated to discuss their applicability in the NYC context.