Research Projects

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Research Projects

STATUS: Complete YEAR: 2018 TOPIC AREA: Public transit, land use, and urban mobility Transportation planning, policy, and finance CENTER: PSR

An Analysis of Accessibility, Social Interaction, and Activity-Travel Fragmentation in California

Project Summary

Project number: PSR-18-09
Funding source: US DOT
Contract number: 69A3551747109
Funding amount: $100,000
Performance period: 8/15/2018 to 8/14/2019


Project Description

Fragmentation of activities and travel is defined here as the multiple sequencing of many relatively short activities and trips that happen in a person's daily schedule. These are combined with much longer activities and travel to form a complete schedule of activities and travel by each observed individual. Fragmentation of activity-travel schedules may lead to increased transport demand because many activities, enabled by mobile communication technologies and other societal innovations, are no longer bound to specific times and specific places. Our main objective n this research is to close the research gap in understanding how and why individuals engage in activity-travel fragmentation. Studying the correlation of activity and travel fragmentation with social interaction and accessibility offered by the environment in which people live an close this research gap. Closing this gap will provide policy recommendations in the context of SB 375 on land use and travel. This will enable distinguishing between people that face social exclusion and the dichotomy between women spending more time in the private sphere, and less in the public one - and vice versa for men (Kwan, 1999; Kwan 2000; Turner, 1997). A secondary objective is to develop robust statistical methods for fine grained spatio-temporal data to improve travel demand forecasting models.




Konstadinos Goulias
Professor , Geographic Information Science, Transportation
5706 Ellison Hall
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
United States
[email protected]