Research Projects

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Research Projects

STATUS: Complete YEAR: 2016 TOPIC AREA: Sustainability, energy, and health CENTER: METRANS UTC

Trajectory Data Mining for Performance Measurement of Public Transportation Systems

Project Summary

Project number: MT-16-06

Funding source: Caltrans

Contract number: 65A0533

Funding amount: $100,000

Performance period: 3/2/17 to 6/30/18


Project description:

With the widespread installation of location-enabled devices on public transportation, a large amount of bus trajectory data is being generated. Using the location data of the Los Angeles Metro bus system, along with publicly available bus schedule data, a set of data processing and analyses were performed to measure the performance of the public transportation system in Los Angeles by a number of metrics such as travel-time reliability, on-time performance, bus bunching, and travel-time estimation. The data analysis results are demonstrated in a web-based application via web services. The developed algorithms and system provide powerful tools to detect issues and improve the efficiency of public transportation systems.



Ugur Demiryurek
Research Scientist, Integrated Media Systems Center; USC Viterbi School of Engineering
3737 Watts Way
Charles Lee Powell Hall (PHE) 335Los Angeles, CA 90089-1211
United States
[email protected]


Cyrus Shahabi
Helen N. and Emmett H. Jones Professor of Engineering
3737 Watts Way
Charles Lee Powell Hall (PHE) 306ALos Angeles, CA 90089-0781
United States
[email protected]