Fast Facts Research Summaries

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Fast Facts Research Summaries


Fast Facts is a research summary series, created for students, by students. These one-sheeters focus on cutting edge transportation research funded by METRANS PSR. Please see below!


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California Climate Change Target Setting

Author(s): Austin Brown, Lew Fulton, Rosa Dominguez-Faus

Year: 2019

Keywords: Public transit, land use, and urban mobility sustainability, energy, and health

Read the full research paper here.


Ultra-high-accuracy Digital Terrain Model Mapping for Assessing Roadway Vulnerability to Sea-level Rise and Flooding

Author(s): Qi Chen

Year: 2020

Keywords: Mapping, LiDAR, Transportation, Digital Terrain Models

Read the full research paper here.


Cost-Sharing Mechanisms for Ridesharing 

Author(s): Maged M. Dessousky, Phebe Vayanos, Shichun Hu

Year: 2020

Keywords: Public transit, land use, and urban mobility vehicles and infrastructure 

Read the full research paper here.


Stormwater Drainage Design and Best Management Practices with Applications to Roadways and Climate Change

Authors: Oceana Puananilei Francis, Linqiang Yang

Year: 2020

Keywords: sustainability, energy, health, transportation planning, policy, finance 

Read the full research paper here.


An Analysis of Accessibility, Social Interaction, and Activity-Travel Fragmentation in California 

Author(s): Konstadinos G. Goulias, Elizabeth C. McBride, Adam W. Davis

Year: 2019

Keywords: public transit, land use, urban mobility, transportation planning, policy, and finance 

Read the full research paper here.


Connected Autonomous Vehicles: Safety During Merging and Lane Changing and Impact on Traffic Flow

Author(s): Petros Ioannou, Fernando V. Monteiro 

Year: 2020

Keywords: Connected and autonomous systems, safety and security

Read the full research paper here.


Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Freight Patterns in Southern California 

Author(s): Miguel Jaller, Daniel Rivera, John Harvey, Changmo Kim, Jeremy Lea

Year: 2020

Keywords: E-commerce and urban freight, freight logstics and optimization

Read the full research paper here.


Public Transit Safety Among University Students

Author(s): Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, Madeline Brozen, Hao Ding, Miriam Pinski, Fariba Siddiq 

Year: 2020

Keywords: public transit, land use and urban mobility safety and security 

Read the full research paper here.


The Opportunity Cost of Parking Requirements: would Silicon Valley be richer if its parking requirements were lower?

Author(s): Michael Manville, CJ Gabbe, Taner Osman

Year: 2020

Keywords: parking, land use, urban mobility, transportation planning, policy, finance 

Read the full research paper here.


Making Bicycling Equitable: Lessons from Sociocultural Research

Author(s): Sarah Rebolloso McCullough, Adonia Lugo, Rebecca van Stokkum

Year: 2018

Keywords: public transit, land use, and urban mobility, transportation planning, policy, finance

Read the full research paper here.


Davis Amtrak Station Pilot Project Evaluation: Informing Long Term Solutions to the Davis Amtrack Station Access Barriers

Author(s): Susan Pike

Year: 2020

Keywords: parking, land use, urban mobility, transportation planning, policy, finance 

Read the full research paper here.


Residential Parcel Deliveries: Evidence from a Large Apartment Complex

Author(s): Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue

Year: 2018-2019

Keywords: Sustainability, energy, and health 

Read the full research paper here.


Life Cycle Assessment of Environmental and Economic Impacts of Deploying Alternative Urban Bus PowerTrain Technologies in the South Coast Air Basin

Author(s): Scott Samuelsen, Brian Tarroja, Analy Castillo Munoz

Year: 2020

Keywords: sustainability, energy, health, public transit, policy

Read the full research paper here.


Deep-Learning Traffic Flow Prediction for Forecasting Performance Measurement of Public Transportation Systems 

Author(s): Cyrus Shahabi, Yao Yi Chiang, Min Mun, Luan Tran

Year: 2020

Keywords: public transit, congestion, urban mobility, performance reliability

Read the full research paper here.


Automated Analysis of Wildlife-Vehicle Conflict Hotspots Using Carcass and Collision Data

Author(s): Fraser Shilling, Cameron Denney, David Waetjen

Year: 2019

Keywords: Safety and security, transportation planning, policy, finance 

Read the full research paper here.