News | METRANS Sponsorsed CITT Webinars as Follow Up on Panama Canal Expansion Topic

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May 20: "How Shippers Choose Ports" featuring Joey Carnes, MIQ Logistics

June 3: "Is Southern California Competitive?" featuring Fran Inman, Majestic Realty Co. and California Transportation Commission

June 17: "Challenges Ahead" featuring John McLaurin, Pacific Merchant Shipping Assoication and Richard Steinke, Port of Long Beach.

Summary on the October Point/Counterpoint Panama Canal Expansion Forum

The webinars have been archived and are available at:

Link: May 20 Webinar Video: How Shippers Choose Ports

Link: June 3 Webinar Video: Is Southern California Competitive?

The video of the June 17 webinar will be posted soon.