Format for Paper & Presentation

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Format for Paper & Presentation







Papers and Presentations will be posted on the METRANS website after the conference unless the author requests that it not be posted. A paper is NOT required for a submission in order to be a presenter for I-NUF 2022.

Instructions for Presentations

All sessions are 90 minutes. Presentations generally will each be around 15 - 20 minutes depending on the number of presentations in the session. (We will know more once the agenda is fully developed.) That gives time in each session for questions and answers. The presenter is responsible for bringing any handouts. Arrangements will be made in advance to load the presentations to the laptop computer in the breakout rooms. Presenters should bring their presentations on a flash drive.  All PowerPoints should also be sent in advance to [email protected] by May 15, 2022.  

Instructions for Paper Submission (after the conference)

Submit papers by email to [email protected].

Paper Submission Requirements:

  • Authors must submit completed papers by JULY 1, 2022. (Contact [email protected] if you have a concern about the date.).

Paper formatting requirements for posting on METRANS website:

  • Length limitation: Maximum paper length is 7,500 words, including abstract, references, tables, and figures. Graphics, tables, figures count as 250 words each.
  • Minimum 1.5 space with margins of at least one inch all around, font size 11 pt or larger
  • All tables, figures, diagrams and maps should be included in the paper text.
  • A limited number of explanatory notes are permissible, and they should be indicated serially within each article by subscripts 1,2,3 etc. The notes themselves should be listed at the end of the paper text.
  • References should be indicated in the text by the surnames of the author(s) with the year of publication as shown below. References to more than one publication by the same author in the same year should be distinguished alphabetically with a, b, c, etc. The abbreviated author and the date reference should be placed in parentheses unless the name forms part of the text. The relevant page(s) may be given if necessary. Examples:

(Ball, 1998), (Edwards, 2002a), (Haughton and Hunter, 1994, p. 130) demonstrated that ….

If no person is named as author, the name of the appropriate body should be used, e.g., (US Bureau of the Census, 1996).

The full list of references should be typed in alphabetical order, double-spaced between references, on a separate sheet at the end of the article, in form of the following examples:

JARGOWSKY, P. (2002) Sprawl, concentration of poverty, and urban inequality, in: G. Squires (Ed.) Urban Sprawl: Causes, Consequences and Policy Responses, pp.39-72. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute

YEOH, B. S.A. (2004) Cosmopolitanism and its Exclusions in Singapore, Urban Studies, 41, pp. 2431- 2445.

More information:

Genevieve Giuliano
METRANS I-NUF Conference Chair
[email protected]

Thomas O'Brien
Conference Organization Chair
[email protected]